Chichen Itza and Riviera Maya

New 7 Wonders of the World Chichen Itza, Mexico The Great Wall, China Petra, Jordan Christ Redeemer, Brazil Machu Picchu, Peru The Roman Colosseum, Italy The Taj Mahal, India Chichen Itza Chichen Itza, meaning "at the mouth of the Itza well", was a powerful Mayan city located in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. It was a religious and ceremonial site as well as a sophisticated urban center and hub of regional trade. Today, the brilliant ruins showcase the architecture and art of the Maya culture. The Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems, and hieroglyphic writing. Kukulkan Pyramid of Chichen Itza The Kukulkan Pyramid, also known as El Castillo (the castle), is a monumental representation of the Mayan calender. There are 364 steps on this pyramid and when combining the platform at the top, it totals 365 which equals the days in a year. During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the afterno...