
Showing posts from December, 2014

Inle Lake, Myanmar

Inle Lake, Myanmar Inle Lake is the second largest lake of Myanmar, in the the Shan State. A freshwater lake, it is 22 km long and 900 meters above sea level. It is inhabited by different tribes, with the majority people being Intha. To get there, we took a 30 minute plane ride from Mandalay to Heho. From Heho, we drove an hour and made a stop at Nyaung Shwe, a town a few kilometers north of Inle Lake.  Walking distance from the town was Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery. Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery. A wooden monastery built in the early 19th century.  Novice monks and kitty learn teachings of Buddha. Sightseeing on Inle Lake Travel was by long boat with a small motor. House on lake.  Outhouse is to the right of house.  entrance of Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda.  Inside the pagoda are five small Buddha statues that have been covered in so much gold leaves that the Buddha forms are unrecognizable.  (photo credit) Pa-O tribal women...

Golden Rock Pagoda, Mon State, Myanmar

Golden Rock Pagoda, Mon State, Myanmar Golden Rock Pagoda (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda) is the 3rd most important pilgrimage site in Myanmar. The pagoda is located at the top of Mt. Kyaiktiyo, which is the highest mountain of Paunglaung mountain range.  Getting to Golden Rock Pagoda first required a 4 hour bus ride from Yangon to Kinpun Base Camp.    en route to Kinpun Base Camp, Locals drying fish. "Snake fish" refers to the appearance of the fish.  Its from the processors gutting, cleaning, and drying the fish. From Kinpun, people can transfer to an open truck to Yatetaung Gate. These trucks are old dumptrucks rebuilt with seats to fit passengers.  The ride itself was quite an adventure, reminding me of a rollercoaster as we traveled on the winding road up the forested mountain.  I couldn't help but smile the entire way up. Traveling up Kyaiktiyo Mountain. These engines have power! View while traveling up mountain. Theravada Buddhi...