Haleakala Crater Sunrise + Bike Tour
A few years ago, I saw a show on the travel channel about Maui's downhill bike tour. It looked so exhilarating that I thought, "I want to do that one day". On Tuesday, January 5, 2016, I had my chance. Haleakala Crater Sunrise We woke up around 1 in the morning and left the house by 2:15am so we could meet our group at the bike shop at 3am. We were so tired! We chose Haleakala Bike Company based on their reviews on TripAdvisor . The guys at the bike store were direct and efficient with getting everyone fitted with helmet, rain gear, bike. Haleakala Bike Co. is located in Haiku. Safety first! Haleakala Crater Sunrise Haleakala is a dormant volcano rising 10,023 ft above sea level. Mark Twain described the sunrise as "the sublimest spectacle I ever witnessed". It is actually not really a crater. It is due to eons of erosion, joining two valleys. It is an impressive sight, so massive that Manh...