Your seat's expensive

Monday, August 15th I had just spent my first weekend in my new place. First night I kept waking up. You have to get used to new normal sounds when you're somewhere new. Second night I slept all through the night. It was great. I was excited about Monday morning because my friend Laura was coming to see my apartment and then go to the opening pep rally on campus with me. She was so sweet to get up so early on her day off. Laura and I among the student body. (pic credit: CFNI) I love confetti! (pic credit: CFNI) The pep rally actually lasted a while and Laura had to leave during the break. I was hoping she was able to stay. Now I had to go back by myself with people I didn't know! Eeek. When I went back to my seat, I saw a girl in the aisle and we struck up a conversation. Her name was Madison and she was from San Antonio. She dreams of having her own coffee shop one day so it can se...