The Joy Ride

photo credit: Carolyn V. During the summer of 2018 in Mobile, Alabama, I was reunited with sailors who rescued my family after we escaped Vietnam in 1981. We were known as "boat people" and the U.S.S. John Young came to our rescue after we were attacked by pirates and left stranded. I wrote about the reunion here . One of the sailors I met in Mobile was Jim Rotert. Who knew that a year later, I would have the opportunity to visit Jim and his wife Amy in Southern Indiana. The reason for my visit was to speak at Jim's church, St. Paul Lutheran Church - Borchers at their annual Mission Festival. My friend Kim and I left Dallas on a Thursday and were supposed to fly into Louisville but didn't make the flight (we were flying stand by). Instead of being anxious, I remembered what my friend Brian B. told me when we were preparing for a mission trip to Germany. "Be fluid and flexible". While delayed at the airport, Kim's sister (who worked ...