photo credit: Ed Robertson
Wave-Gotik-Treffen, Leipzig
Since 1992, the world's largest goth festival has been held in Leipzig, Germany. For four days, Wave-Gotik-Treffen entertain about 20,000 goths and other dark subcultures fans like metalheads, steampunks, neo-Victorians, etc. Departing from Berlin, our team took the bus for a 1.45 hour ride.
boarding the bus. photo credit: Yanira Brown |
Before I left for Germany, I know many people were surprised to hear we were going to a goth festival. They didn't think it would make a difference. I believe, if we can reach one person, it is worth it. I admit, it was a bit intimidating to talk to my first goths because of how they dressed. But as I continued to talk to them, I found many similarities. I heard many stories about pain and hurt. It reminded me of my own journey and thought, "wow, never did I think I would use my pain to now help others."
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)
Memorable Conversations
Months before our departure to Germany and every day during the trip, we would pray that the Holy Spirit would lead us to people that we needed to connect with and that their hearts would soften to receive our words.
worship in the square. photo credit: Yanira Brown |
Sometimes we would do the cupid shuffle before acting out our drama that demonstrated the gospel. The cupid shuffle is an easy line dance that we do to attract the crowd. Most people didn't know what it was so they stopped to watch. We encouraged them to join us and some did. A European Initiative intern, Jacqulyn, was so joyful when she danced. We would do the cupid shuffle so many times but she never seemed tired. She shared that one day, a Muslim woman approached her and said how she was so in awe to see people dance on the street. She saw freedom. Ever since then, Jacqulyn makes sure to dance her heart out because you never know who you're helping.
cupid shuffle! Jacqulyn is behind me in jeans and black jacket. |
Victorian goth |
steampunk goth |
my friend Jacqulyn and me with two candy skulls. |
He invited us to his group of friends at the park. In the center of the group was a brother and sister who ended up talking to us for an hour. One of the most memorable moments of my trip. |
brother and sister in center of group |
Cybergoths. I had such joy meeting Philipp and Hania. We stay in connection. |
photographer Tim sharing our mission to goths. |
photo credit: Brian Brown |
photo credit: Brian Brown |
Crystal using the Evangecube- a block that unfolds to tell the gospel. |
Jacqulyn and Joni sharing some laughs. |
photo credit: Martin Stone |
photo credit: Brian Brown |
Brian with Uwe. They had such great connection! |
Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Germainde Schkeuditz
One morning, a few of our team members went to a church while in Leipzig. Monty led worship. Joni spoke about her love for Germany and how her 10 year prayer of returning to Germany has been answered. I talked about how God can use anyone who is willing, even a new believer like me. Martin's sermon was about how Jesus isn't about a religion but about relationship.
Schkeuditz Church |
Monty leads worship. |
Joni shares her testimony. |
I share my testimony. photo credit: Martin Stone |
Martin gives his sermon. |
My takeaway of Leipzig
The people I talked to were very honest and open. Most didn't believe in God. Some felt like there was a higher power but didn't know what it was. People would listen to me talk about God and were willing to discuss, at great length. As a believer, my mission is to plant seeds, not to save people. That is God's work. For people who read this blog, I hope you are encouraged to share your faith. I am a supporter of mission trips. I became a Christian due to God putting people in my life over the years who told me about Jesus.
In Leipzig, I remember talking to this woman sitting on a park bench who was Buddhist. Her animated facial expressions showed awe as I told her about the gospel. Even though she believed God was a fairytale, we still had such a good conversation. As I asked her questions about her life, she would reply with, "That is a very good question!" At the end of our talk, the woman got up and gave me a very sincere strong hug. Another day, I met a goth who was a believer. She recently found me on Facebook and we stay connected. She is my sister in Christ and I thank God for putting her in my path. One day, my friend Crystal and I led two young girls to salvation. I have many stories of such meaningful conversation. On the last day in Leipzig, I was standing by myself when a couple asked me to take their picture at the Volkerschlacht-Denkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations). The monument commemorates the defeat of Napoleon in Leipzig. The couple and I made small talk before parting ways. I learned that she and her boyfriend were there to work the beer festival across the street. She kindly invited me to swing by. As our team was about to leave, I overcame with emotion as I started to think about the girl I just met moments ago. I can't explain why I had such strong emotion except to simply say it was the Holy Spirit. Team member Emma and I broke from our group and decided to go to the festival to find the girl. When we saw her again, her face lit up and she said she was just telling her boyfriend she should have gotten my contact information. She is not a believer and is from Czech. I told her I believed God led me back to her to say that He loves her very much. We exchanged information and keep in contact. I believe I will meet her again and the encounter is part of something big to come. Time will tell. It's all in God's timing and part of His great plan.
Monument to the Battle of the Nations |
my new friends from Czech, Jacob and Dominka. |
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