Oh Sweet Jesus!
Today I went to Target because I was running low on food for the apartment. As I was waiting in line to check out, (there was only one person in front of me) I felt the cashier wasn't very happy. She had a frown on her face and was fumbling with the divider bar (that stick that separates one customer's items from another), eventually tossing it on the conveyer belt. I admit I wasn't looking forward to being her next customer. When it was my turn, I started to put my items on the counter and avoided eye contact. I know I should have greeted her instead of feeling like she needs to be professional and acknowledge me. I need to stop that. I then hear her ask me how I'm doing. I told her I was good and asked her the same thing. She gave me an honest response and said she wasn't feeling well. She said she still made herself go to work and was trying to hang in there until her shift was over at 5:30pm. That was in an hour and a half. I told her I was sorry. I thought about when I have felt bad but went to work anyway. She continues to talk about her current condition and how it was her stomach that was hurting. I think about how often I have stomach problems. I start to understand why this woman didn't have a smile on her face. I felt bad for my initial thoughts about her when I didn't know her situation. As she continues to talk about not feeling well, I just knew I needed to pray for her. Unlike the last time I prayed for someone I didn't know (I will blog about that soon), my heart wasn't beating fast and I wasn't nervous. It just felt like praying was the next obvious step. Kind of like taking your next breath. You don't have to think about it. It's just natural.
As the lady was about to hand me my receipt, I asked for her name. "Kim", she replied. I told her, "give me your hands". I went to hold her hand with the receipt still in it and she extended her other hand. A customer came up behind me to get checked out but I didn't mind. I wasn't afraid that I would make that customer mad by holding up the line. I thought, "good, I hope they see what I'm doing." So with our arms extended over the counter, I close my eyes and declare, "In the name of Jesus, you will be healed. You will make it to 5:30. Amen." I open my eyes and Kim is staring at me, speechless with wide eyes. I smile, grab my things, and start to walk off. I then hear her yell out, "I want to be you when I grow up!" I turn back and look at this person who just moments ago felt cold. It was now replaced with this warm connection. So I was able to casually and playfully respond with, "byeeee Kim."
My thoughts on what happened today...
1. how natural it felt to pray for a stranger
Jesus performed miracles in the bible. Why shouldn't miracles still be performed today? In a culture where box office hits have to do with superheroes with supernatural abilities, why isn't it accepted for humans to be miraculous through the power of God? Think about it. Superman and Jesus. Both came to Earth even though they are not of this world. They live, interact, relate to humans. They both have superpowers. There's a dark evil force wanting to destroy the world. Superman and Jesus intercede to save mankind. Unlike Superman though, there is no kryptonite to weaken Jesus. But what does hinder his miracles is our willingness and obedience to pray for and heal people. Don't get me wrong, Jesus doesn't need us to perform miracles. As with any relationship though, how sweet is it when someone does something for you not because they have to but because they WANT to? As I get to know Jesus, I start to understand that it's about a relationship and not about a religion.
I want to be very honest and say I do have my doubts at times. But today... wow... I've been praying for boldness and divine interventions. I also want to say, it's ok to have disbelief. Pray. "God, help me with my unbelief."
2. how I felt after this happened
As with the last time I prayed for a stranger, afterwards, I just felt this joy. Weight lifted off me. I felt a connection to this individual. I don't know if she believed in God but her mood changed after we prayed. She smiled. And I felt connected to God. On my way home, I was listening to "I Have This Hope" by Tenth Avenue North and one verse really hit me.
So, whatever happens I will not be afraid
Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
I still believe that one day I'll see Your face
Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
I still believe that one day I'll see Your face
When I wasn't a believer, I would get invited to friends' churches and during worship, certain songs would make me cry. I didn't really understand at the time but God knew I've always loved music and He continues to connect with me through beautiful lyrics. He knows us so well. He created us!
One final note. As I was driving home, happy and praising God, I started to smell a sweet scent in my jeep. Could it be that the car freshener that I've had for 2 years has finally started to release its scent?! Or... Jesus, are you opening up my heart and my senses to where I can smell your sweet presence?? The scent started to get stronger and stronger. Oh Jesus, you're quite powerful. You smell great but wow it's strong. I cracked a window. When I got to my apartment and started to unload the groceries, I saw some liquid in the trunk. There was actually a lot! Oh no... I had bought a 16 oz bottle of Meyers all purpose cleaner and during the drive, the bouncing of my jeep must have caused the bottle to loosen because practically all the liquid spilled out! This is why my jeep smelled so sweet! The scent was honeysuckle. I chuckle and am sure Jesus was doing the same all along. But what a nice ending and summary to a sweet exchange of words between two strangers at Target.
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24
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I dedicate this blog to my Christ For The Nations instructor, Nina J. Her class, "The Ministry of Jesus", challenges and strengthens me to go beyond the comforts of the classroom.
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